Is your computer Y2K-ready? By Linda Lyon Year 2K is approaching fast. Are you ready? There has been so much hype that it is hard to separate the fact from the fiction. We run so hard to keep up with the Y99, I am not sure we will be all that disappointed if things slow down a little bit January 1, 2000. If you are interested in Y2K, here are some things you may want to pay attention to: You need to check your PC for Y2K readiness. You can do this by going out on the internet to http://www.microsoft.com/technet/year2k/tools/software.htm. Half way down this page you will find Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer. This can be run to determine what is not in compliance on your computer. You can download updates from the following topics, depending on the operating system you use. Most of you will use the first one.
http://www.microsoft.com/y2k/ also has information that may be useful. The biggest thing I see here on Mayo Campus is that Office 97 has some Y2K problems. You need to run the patch to fix that. There is a service pack for that and you will find it in the above locations. If you are running NT 4.0, you need to go to "My Computer" on your desktop, look in drive C for SP4. Open it and run it. This will take care of your operating system deficiencies. It is already loaded on all the new NT computers but needs to be applied. You still may be experiencing problems with viruses. I recommend that you run your virus checkers often. You can go to mcafee.com and run the Online Clinic. It is a great virus scanner. You may also install the McAfee software from \\Kctcs_tcbf1\support\McAfee\Vsh_Win9X. This is a licensed version that KCTCS provides for us. Install this today if you haven't already. Remember, if your computer acts strange in any way, the first thing to do is to run your virus checker. Then if that does not solve the problem, call me or if you are not a Mayo staff member, call whoever your PC support person is. You can reach me by calling my pager, 736-2697 and leave me a number to call you or email my pager directly at sunshine@mis.net. Interesting Information: A rare meteor shower will be visible this week, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at around 5 a.m. in the northern sky. You have to get up early but they say it's going to be worth it. Remember Mayo's webpage is http://www.mayotech.org or you can email us at mayotc@ kctcs.net. |