not fear, marked end of last century
By Chris McDavid
Staff Writer
Although the arrival of the new millennium has the
general public preparing for the worst, the doomsayers were
nearly obsolete as people anticipated a much brighter future
when the 1900s rolled around.
After suffering through a four-year depression in the mid
to late 1890s, Americans had a general sense of optimism
about the future during the winding down of the 19th
The depression of 1893 "involved bank failures,
bankruptcies, an apparent reduction in money available
nationwide, serious labor strikes, mass unemployment and
radical political agitation," according to University of
Toledo history professor William Longton.
Longton explained that the end of the depression was
marked by the presidential election of 1896, which was "one
of the most confusing, but important presidential elections
of American history."
The election pitted incumbent William Jennings Bryan
against William McKinley, who arose victorius and took over
the office in 1897 -- the year the economic recovery
"The depression was over, after all, and there was a
tendency for Americans to wax self-congratulatory about the
progress they had made since 1800," the professor said.
The country's geographical growth and staggering increase
in the population, which soared from about five million
people in 1800 to nearly 76 million by 1900, were among the
nation's physical improvements.
But the progress was not only limited to geographical
boundaries and the population increase with an onslaught of
immigrants pouring into the country in the last few decades
of the 19th century.
Aside from its continuous growth, the United States made
material advancements, as well, into the new millennium.
Media organizations focused on those material improvements
in the early 1900s with detailed descriptions of the
Newspapers and magazines compared the then-current times
of technologies -- such as the inventions of the telephone,
railroads, telegraph, electricity, kerosene, etc... -- with
the 1800s, "when cooking-stoves, carpets, window-glass had
been luxuries," according to author Mark Sullivan.
"Everything seemed to be getting bigger and better, and
not just in the physical or material sense," Longton said.
"Democracy was booming, Christianity was flourishing, and
America was fulfilling its mission to bring the blessings of
both to a benighted world."
Longton noted that there were some uncertain predictions
about the future, though. "Optimism about the future based
on physical growth and material progress was tempered by a
certain nostalgic sense of loss, too," he said, noting that
historian Frederick Jackson Turner made it known that the
frontier no longer existed.
"In a sense, traditional American expansionism continued
because of this disappearance of the frontier," Longton
said, "and the United States expanded beyond it contiguous
borders to the Philip-pines."
In 1898, the United States declared war on Spain and, as
a result, stripped Spain of the last of the empire it had
created in the wake of Christopher Columbus' voyages in the
15th and 16th centuries.
"In the United States, a large wave of 'anti-imperialist'
sentiment rolled in ferocious opposition to America's taking
these far-flung places (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the
Philippines)," the history professor said, "and the fight
over the ratification of the Treaty of Paris indicated that
there was a lot of resistance to the direction the United
States seemed to be going."
Similarly alarming for a lot of Americans and connected
with the "imperialist" issue was the matter of who they saw
as inferior -- the non-Anglo inhabitants of American
territory, such as Southern and Eastern Europeans, African
American, Chi-nese and now the Filipinos.
A Chinese Exclu-sion Act passed Congress in 1882, but it
wasn't until the 20th Century that there were any steps
taken to resolve other parts of what was perceived to be the
immigration problem, Longton said.
"The case of African Americans was different," the
history professor noted. "There, segregation and
disfranchisement at the state level had, by the 1890s,
virtually re-moved African Amer-icans from the citizenry and
the Su-preme Court's Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) decision
virtually ratified this condition."
Although 19th Century Americans weren't faced with the
potential dilemmas forecasted for the arrival of Y2K, which
doomsayers have predicted could be a major technological
setback that could lead to a complete breakdown in
practically every aspect of modern-day living, they were
confronted with social and political issues.